How to actually keep a positive mindset in uncertain times

With so many people in lock-down, our routines and schedules have been thrown upside down. We spend hours and days at home instead of our normal habits or routine of rushing around 24/7, juggling school runs, work, family commitments, household chores and social events. Importantly, it is these very habits and routines that either help us or indeed hinders us, in how we manage these uncertain times. Furthermore, it is even more important to master our routines and embrace new habits for our new situations. Moreover, to work hard on creating a positive mindset and keeping our focus firmly fixed on thriving not surviving.

So, what do we do about it?

So, what do we do about it?

A critical step in all of this is managing our Mindset. This consists of our thoughts, beliefs and subsequent feelings. Mastering these areas helps create winning actions and are vital ingredients of a positive mindset for success. It follows, your mindset determines how you react and how you will emerge on the other side. Developing the skill of staying focused, guarding negative thoughts and taking action despite what is going on around us. Moreover, this is super important as it helps create certainty which right now, has gone out of the window for most people.

Here are seven tips for building a more positive mindset now.

1. Build Helpful Beliefs

While you may not be able to see anything positive right now, there are always opportunities and positives in every situation. 

“In every adversity, there are seeds of opportunities.”  Napoleon Hill

Whether you believe it or not, the above quote is simply a statement. Furthermore, you can choose whether to believe it or not. And as your beliefs shape the trajectory of your results, why not adopt one that supports you? Whatever you believe you tend to bring into reality and what you focus on grows. Right now it is super helpful and I say essential to choose a set of helpful beliefs. Borrow them from the words and wisdom of past successful people. Google saying and write them down. Connect with them daily to help build a positive Mindset for Success. This is one area you can control and when you feel in control you build more certainty in uncertain times. Furthermore, it becomes easier to stick with doing the things you know you should do!

2. Educate Yourself to Build a Positive Mindset

Learning and understanding more about what you don’t know helps build certainty.  Moreover, be selective about what you listen too. If you desire to understand things, select articles or videos created by scientists and experts. Stay away from general opinions and too much news. You could even use this time to learn something new. Why not learn a language, take up a new hobby, re-start a past forgotten passion or invest in learning more about you, your greatest asset. This helps build meaning, gives you a goal to achieve and helps you feel a sense of satisfaction with your achievements. Vital ingredients for building a positive mindset, wellbeing and life satisfaction.

3. Create a Clear Vision

While it is important to be flexible right now, it is super important to keep firmly fixed on what you want for your future. Use the opportunity now to get clarity around your life.

  • What do you want?
  • And what is important to you?
  • Who or what do you stand for?
  • How do you want your future to be in six months time?
  • What sort of person do you want to be?
  • Getting clear on your priorities and who you are is essential for building certainty and focus.

When you feel excited about your future vision you have a positive focus for your mind to plug into.

4. Rituals Help Establish a Positive Mindset

With so many millions of people suddenly spending 24/7 at home, creating rituals and habits for your day are key. They are what keep you grounded and give you structure and meaning for your day. For me, exercising in the morning is one of my keystone habits. It is super important as it sets me up for the rest of the day.

  • What is your one key thing?
  • Is it exercise, yoga, meditation or journaling?

If you aren’t sure, keep experimenting with new activities until you latch onto a winner! 

5. Create a Clear Action Plan

Having an action plan for your day that takes you towards a better future is another key for keeping a positive mindset. Scheduling tasks and ticking them off will help you feel better. As humans, we love to accomplish things and now it is super important to feel like you have done something worthwhile. Scheduling tasks as if they were a business appointment with yourself will help you stick to them. What gets scheduled is more likely to get done.

Remember, results are always measured by actions. And if your actions consist of numbing out every day on Netflix they may not produce the greatest long term results. Taking time to develop a simple habit creation plan can also be helpful. 

6. Up Your Level of Self-Care

Right now it is important to nurture yourself. This means an extra dose of kindness and compassion to yourself. Times of challenges use up a ton of mental and emotional energy which needs to be replenished. Furthermore, we all handle challenging situations differently. Give yourself permission to take time out. Having quiet time to reflect or meditate is a great tool for keeping yourself healthy and well.

7. Embrace an Attitude of Gratitude

There is a mountain of research on the importance of gratitude. It has been shown to decrease anxiety, and in positive psychology research, gratitude is strongly and consistently associated with greater happiness. Furthermore, gratitude also helps improve health, deal with adversity and build strong relationships. Take a few minutes every day to write down three things you are grateful for. Moreover, while it may feel challenging to focus your mind when you do you are building your mind-muscle. You are training it to look for the small things it might otherwise miss.

We will get through these times. And when we do, who do you want to be? The final questions to ask yourself are:

  • What would your future self say to you right now?
  • And what would he or she tell you to do right now?
  • What advice would they give you and how would they be feeling having endured these times with a positive mindset?

Moreover, focus on imagining the new possibilities that are waiting for you, because of how you chose to show up in these challenging times.

Wishing you all the very best in these times and, if I can help you in any way step up and develop a strong Champion Mindset for Sucess and future proof your life, please reach out.

About Mandy

Mandy Napier is a Global Mindset & Performance Coach who helps her clients create a Mindset for Success so they can perform optimally both personally and professionally. Ultimately to break through their current blocks and achieve the level of success and results they strive for. Transformations and lasting results are an everyday occurrence. Guaranteed.
  • Ready to step into the next level and breakthrough your current results? Then I invite you to book a Next Level Breakthrough Session on my online calendar. Let’s see how together we can work towards helping you achieve the results you want and become better, wiser and stronger.


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