How the phenomenal energy of words strangely makes or breaks every success

Everything is energy and that includes words. Your words have great power which means the energy of words can drive your behaviours and results. Furthermore, words can help you achieve great things or keep you stuck and struggling. They can make or break you and be the difference between winning and losing. The powerful energy of words is used by great leaders. Take Martin Luther King whose words in his famous ‘I had a dream’ speech were the fuel that created extraordinary and massive change in the world. Thousands of people resonated with his speech. The energy of his words drove a deep emotional connection in thousands of people. The words literally drew them to connect with his vision which inspired them into action.

If the power and energy of words can influence nations, imagine the how your words can impact your life and shape your results? Words have very different energy. Consider the words, ‘yes’ and ‘no’, ‘can’t’ or ‘will.’ The word ‘will’ literally guides us towards positive action, possibility and solutions. On the other hand, ‘can’t,’ has virtually no energy of movement and almost stops our thinking then and there.

The energy of words takes you to solutions or stops your progress

When you change your words you can change your results and your life. Furthermore, it’s what you say to yourself and what you think most of the time that shapes your actions and results. The challenge here, is many of our thoughts have become habits and we forget how powerful the energy of words are in our lives. Moreover, the very nature of a habit means it is outside our conscious awareness.

Only by taking time to listen carefully can we deliberately choose to change our words and our results. Being kind to yourself is the first and most important step. Consider the energy of words you use.Take time to listen carefully to what you say and think. Next, write down what you are hearing to identify common themes and words that may be influencing you in a negative or positive way. To fully understand just how the energy of words works, keep reading.

Change your words change your life

“Be sincere in your thoughts, be pure in your feelings. You will not have to run after happiness. Happiness will run after you.” Sir Chinmoy

Here is an interesting example from a well known “slow walker” study, published in 1996 by John Bargh, a psychologist at Yale. Although in recent years his experiment has been criticised and disputed, it’s still worth considering. Furthermore, the power of expectations is also vital. Consider how the placebo effect influences results. Research in this field indicates approximately one third of individuals who receive a placebo believe it to be a potent treatment.

In this experiment, Bargh asked undergraduates at New York University to form sentences out of a group of words. The words were seemingly random . However, in reality, one group of subjects considered words evoking lonely old age, such as “bitter,” “wrinkles,” “elderly “alone,” “arthritis” “walking stick” and “senior citizen” Another group rearranged words that had no theme.

The findings were quite extraordinary

When the experiment concluded, the subjects were directed to leave down a hallway. Researchers with hidden stopwatches timed how long it took them to walk the distance. The result: The geriatric words rubbed off. On average, the group that had rearranged those words walked more slowly than the other group. “Words on a page made them act old,” Bartlett explains. It was as if they had absorbed the words, suddenly feeling years older! In their own way the words had been a success in creating the ‘intended state’ .

This group was then split into two. The first group were given words relating to hostility and rudeness, the second, relating to respect and politeness. Again, both groups had to create sentences with their words. Next, they were asked to give feedback to other people who were having a conversation right outside the room. The group with the ‘rude’ words barged right into the conversation, whereas the ‘polite’ group refused to interrupt the conversation, right until it had finished!

In conclusion, this illustrates the enormous energy of words and how they shape behaviours and influence attitudes and physiology.

Consider for a moment how you can use words to propel yourself forward and as great fuel for your own success.

  • Imagine what might happen if you became aware of every word you said to yourself?
  • What will happen if every word you use is focusing towards what you want?
  • Imagine using phrases that presuppose possibility and build self-belief and solutions.
  • For example, ‘I am a money magnet’ or ‘I always find solutions to my challenges.’ ‘I am successful in my life,’ The energy of these words is powerful.
  • And how about shifting your language towards what you want? Instead of saying ‘I don’t know if I can do that,’ change it to ‘I will give it a go.
  • Listen carefully to what you say and commit to changing words that pull you away from what you want, are not kind or pleasant or don’t give you the results you want.
  • Keep a set of key words that steer your mind towards solutions and a positive outcome. Remember the energy of words like, success, happiness, solutions, empathy, curiosity.
  • Eliminate words such as ‘can’t, ‘need,’ ‘but,’ ‘should’ and any derivative of ‘not enough.’
  • Give it a go. Use the energy of words to tap into your own success fuel today. It’s free, it’s powerful and I guarantee your words have the power to shape your life in a powerful, positive way.

About the Author

Mandy Napier is a Global High Performance Mindset Coach who is dedicated to supporting high achievers fulfil their potential and achieve extraordinary results professionally and personally. Transformations are the norm, and results guaranteed.


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