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The Amazing Power of Your Subconscious Mind for Success

Your subconscious mind is very powerful. Although it is hidden from sight, it has immense power in your life. This part of the mind has many functions and does amazing things behind the scenes. It helps regulate all the amazing processes going on inside your body. This includes digestion, moving food around your body, blood and clearing out toxins. Moreover, it is the home of your habits and your memories and all your past programs. It remembers everything you have ever experienced. Furthermore, it is the area where all learning, behaviour and change takes places first. The key, therefore, is to make it your friend. Learn how it works and then to instruct it with specific instructions so you can direct it towards your goals.

If you fail to give your subconscious mind clear instructions, and if it is running programs contrary to your new instructions, you will likely be pulled off course. Furthermore, you may never achieve the results you truly desire. Let’s have a look at your subconscious mind and how you can program it better.

The primary function of your subconscious mind is to protect you

It is important to understand that the primary function of your subconscious mind is to protect you and look after you. It is the storehouse of memory. Moreover, it controls all involuntary bodily functions like breathing, digestion, pumping blood around your body and distributing nutrients and clearing toxins. Amazing things happen in your body that you take for granted and aren’t aware of. Hundreds of processing and habits occurring, working in the background, while you simply get on with your day.

It is the storehouse of your memories

All your memories are stored in your subconscious mind, your body. It is awake 24/7 and remembers everything you have ever experienced. All the pictures, thoughts, sounds, and words it eavesdrops on. Regardless of whether you are aware or not, every moment of your life you are programming your subconscious mind. Furthermore, the meanings you attach to your experiences, the reactions and responses you and your emotional responses. From this, you create beliefs that shape your attitude about life. Statements and assumptions you believe. Whether they are true or not.

The problem here is much of what you chose to believe, you weren’t always aware of. This means many of your beliefs are still influencing your life today without your awareness. For example, you may have been told when you were young, money is hard to make. As your subconscious mind is always listening in, it may have taken on this belief.  More importantly, if you struggle with earning money as an adult, you may unknowingly still be filtering the world through this belief.

Working at the root cause of the problem is the key to achieving lasting change

However, unless you become aware of the belief, and get down to the root cause, you may continue to run this program. Likewise, if you are anxious as an adult this could be related to the memory of an event when you were young. The key, therefore, is to work in and focus on this area of the mind. Remember, the subconscious mind is where learning, behaviour and change occurs. The exact reason why I focus on working in this area of the mind. Moreover, the reason why my clients get truly transformational results regularly.

Your subconscious mind is the domain of your habits

Our brain runs habits to conserve energy. This is great as it frees us up to create, invent and build amazing things, like planes, bridges and mega computers. However, it also acts as a double-edged sword. It tends to remember our not so great behaviours as well, which is why bad habits such as overeating or procrastinating can be hard to change. Furthermore, when you get tired or ‘switch off’ your subconscious mind takes over running patterns from its memory banks, whether they are helpful or hurtful!

Your unresolved emotions and limiting beliefs steer the course of your life

Ultimately, the perceptions you have about life, what you think, feel and believe are responsible for the results in your life. As you are unaware of many of your hidden beliefs, and you have around 75,000 thoughts a day it is impossible to be aware of what is pulling you off course. Furthermore, as we fall into habit, auto-pilot anything from 45 to 90% of our day, is it any wonder we are susceptible to our past experiences. Moreover, falling back into the past means we are trying to create a new future from the past, not a very helpful starting block! Creating good habits and having a habit plan to achieve what you want is a key part of your success.

Awareness is the first step to change and understand your subconscious mind

When you take time to slow down, become aware of what you are doing, thinking and saying you are on the road to change. Awareness is a vital skill as it’s the first step in instigating effective change. To get started, spend a few minutes every day observing what you say to yourself. Observe with no judgment and write down your findings. Is your language positive and pleasant or negative and nasty? Would you speak to your best friend in this manner? Are you focusing and talking about what you do want or what you don’t want?

If you don’t like what you hear, start to consciously change what you say. Let the old thoughts go and start feeding in new words. Words that are positive and focused on what you want. Your subconscious mind can now get to work on nurturing the new! Otherwise, you might spend much of your time arguing with yourself and never doing the things you know you should!

Beware the power of your words

Eliminate words such as “can’t” “should” “ought to” “don’t.” Use words such as can, will do, better, easier, more, it’s possible. All these open you up to possibility. Your words have great power and just like everything in life, they are energy. You cannot destroy or fight energy.  You can only transform or transfer it. Furthermore, energy only does one of two things. It expands or contracts. Choose words which ensure you are expanding your focus out towards possibilities. Otherwise, your focus will be going in the wrong direction. Towards what you don’t want, aren’t or limiting you in some way. So, always remember that your words have immense power.

What you resist persist

When you argue with yourself, and that nasty voice, you are giving it more power. What this means is you are unintentionally focusing on what you don’t want. And what you focus on grows. The more you argue and fight the enemy the bigger you make the mental monster. Resistance is futile in this instance. A better way to tackle the voice is to listen with no judgment and ignore it. Replace it with words that champion you. Moreover, become your own best friend. Look at yourself through the lens of kindness, compassion and curiosity. If you mess up, review what happened and decide how you can improve in future. In the sporting world and performance psychology, we use a term called ‘Focus, Feedback, Fix.’ This is a far better strategy for improving results and achieving greater levels of success.

Awareness empowers you to instruct your subconscious mind better

These simple steps will help you start to shift your focus. When you shift your focus towards what you want rather than what you don’t want, you will see the evidence in your results. As you begin to think and focus on what you want, you create new programs for your subconscious mind to follow. Programs that are in alignment with your goals. Imagine that! Finally reaching your destination. To read more about how to reprogram your mind, grab a copy of my book Creating Healthy Life Habits. 

When you learn to create key habits of thought as well as key action steps, you are well on your way to creating a better Mindset for Success. Ultimately, to steer your subconscious mind towards destination success.

If you are ready to reach the next level in your life and breakthrough your limitations, I invite you to take that next step and book a call on my calendar.

About Mandy

Mandy Napier is a Global High-Performance Mindset Coach who helps her clients get unstuck. Breakthrough their current blocks, step into their potential and achieve extraordinary results personally and professionally. Transformations are the norm and results guaranteed.

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