What is the role of a mindset coach today

To understand exactly what is the role of a mindset coach, it is helpful to know first what a mindset is and what a coach does. Next, what makes mindset coaching different? Finally, how can Mindset coaching specifically help you achieve the results you want? While many successful athletes and high achieving business professionals endorse and appreciate the benefits of a coach, for many people its unknown territory. This article intends to show you exactly how this fits together.

Knowing what coaches do, and combining recent scientific findings of neuroplasticity with our innate desire to learn and grow, is important. Furthermore, it’s a critical key to the understanding what is the role of a mindset coach and its effectiveness. Understanding its relevance and benefits in relation to changing human behaviour, creating habits of excellence and improving performance. Finding the right coach for your results is also critical. One size definitely does not fit all.

Athletes understand the benefits of an excellent coach and know working on their mindset is critical

When I wanted to move from competing in short triathlons to longer Ironman races, I needed a new coach. One who specialised in ultra-distance events. Furthermore, one who had both the experience and results to show. Selecting an expert coach was a determining factor in the level of success I achieved. They included representing Australia in several overseas triathlons and qualifying and competing in the Hawaiian Ironman. This is where I learned an important lesson. Endurance sport is predominantly mental. In fact, many people say it is up to 90% mental abilities. This means mental training, mindset work is equally important as physical training in success. Especially in cultivating and creating a champion mindset.

 Neuroplasticity is one of the greatest discoveries in recent years

The definition of the mind (noun) is the element, part, substance, or process that reasons, thinks, feels, wills, perceives, judges. This means everything you are aware of, you are using your mind. Your mindset is your established set of beliefs and attitudes you hold to be true, whether they are true.

One of the greatest discoveries in neuroscience his century is that of neuroplasticity. Neuroplasticity is the property of the brain that allows it to change its structure and function in response to actions we commit ourselves too. This includes sensing, perceiving, thinking and imagining and behaviours. This means your brain can change, and in fact, it is constantly changing. Previously, scientists thought our brains were fixed and our personalities could not be changes. One of the most fascinating books that discusses neuroplasticity is ‘The Brain that changes itself’ by Norman Doidge.

The book showcases fascinating stories about people who have pushed through the frontiers of science and achieved amazing feats. One story mentions a lady with half a brain that rewired itself. Others with strokes and brain tumours who healed themselves and blind people who could see again. The significant news for you is that you too can literally rewire your brain to achieve new results. When you engage a Mindset Coach who understands neuroscience and methodologies to rewire your brain, harness the plasticity of the brain you have the potential to achieve magnificent results. This part specifically helps ot answer the question, ‘What is the role of a mindset coach?’

You have two parts to your mind which adds a level of complexity to life

There are two parts to your mind. You have a conscious and a subconscious mind. Your subconscious mind is a million times more powerful than your conscious mind and is the part that runs your life. It is the domain of habits and memory. It remembers everything you have ever experienced and takes short cuts to preserve your energy. Exactly why and how habits form. And you have habits of thought, feeling and behaviour. Furthermore, you operate by habit up to 95% of your day, so are often unaware of your actions. Exactly why you may unintentionally sabotage your success.

And this is exactly where mindset coaching stands apart from life coaching or business coaching and helps to further explain what is the role of a mindset coach. Mindset coaching focuses on the deepest part of the mind. Your coach helps you to clear old and limiting patterns and align both parts. When you give simple and clear instructions to your subconscious mind and create good habits of thought and behaviour your chances of achieving your goals exponentially increase.

‘A mind that is stretched by a new experience can never go back to its old dimensions.’ – Oliver Wendell Holmes

The Role of a Coach

The origins of the word coach come from transporting someone from one place to another. However, the common elements today point to someone who teaches, instructs or trains someone else. Furthermore, the most obvious and common arena for coaching is in the world of high performance. Athletes, actors, musicians, executives and motivated professionals who want to learn and excel in their chosen field.

In the corporate world, executive coaches help key players grow into their new roles. They help them manage large teams and the high pressure that comes with their role. To understand empathy and the full meaning of emotional intelligence and leadership. So they can perform at their very best in the company. Moreover, in our personal lives, we have life coaches and business coaches. However, there is no one recognised form of coaching or a specific set of standards to gauge and measure success or the calibre of your coach. I believe the best proof is the results you achieve. And a reason why finding the right coach is so important.

In summary, a coach takes you on a journey. However, in reality, very few people state, “I am going on a journey,” and set off. There are other important steps to consider:

  • How they are going to travel.
  • Whether they will need to stop
  • If they need to stop where will they stay
  • How much money will they need
  • Who do they take with them
  • What will they do when they get there

A coach helps make plans, set goals and methods to get there. Furthermore, every journey involves change and a unique path and destination.

What is the role of a Mindset Coach?

A good mindset coach is adept at helping people change and has a deep understanding of how the mind works. They will have trained in neuroscience, performance psychology and the sciences of success. Knowledge and studies may include modalities such as NLP, Neuro-Linguistic Programming, other mind and brain focused training and results coaching methodologies. Knowledge and a deep understanding of ancient wisdom and energy systems are helpful. This is because research has shown there are positive affects on our health and success by practicing mindfulness and meditation. Empathy, good listening skills, authenticity, honesty and a desire to help the client achieve their outcomes is essential.

So the answer to the question, what is the role of a mindset coach, it is to facilitate self-directed neuroplasticity. A term coined by Dr. Jeffrey Schwartz one of the world’s leading experts in neuroplasticity. To help the person pay attention, build resilience, confidence, personal power, grow and achieve the results they want. This also overlaps with a Growth Mindset, popularised by Carol Dweck in her book, Mindset, The New Psychology of Success. A growth mindset has a scientific underpinning and comes validated with years of research and experiments. Having said this, mindset coaching is still relatively new and uses cutting-edge tools and techniques. It helps to explain why so many people still have ignorance or skeptical ness about its effectiveness. Luckily, science can now verify its effectiveness and iterated well by Norman Doidge:

‘Mind training matters. It is not just a luxury, or a supplementary vitamin for the soul. It determines the quality of every instant of our lives.’

Harness your innate power and increase your level of attention and awareness

Mindset Coaching focuses on helping you harness the power of your mind to positively influence your brain and achieve the results you want. Brain imaging technology shows changes happening in different areas of the brain and the massive number of networks in our brain. With repetition and guidance, just like when a diamond forms and never returns to coal. your mind can never return to where it was.

‘A mind that is stretched by a new experience can never go back to its old dimensions.’ – Oliver Wendell Holmes

In summary, neuroplasticity is the property of the brain that says it’s plastic. It’s changeable, not fixed. That is profound! You have the power to change your life by changing your mind. Ultimately, changing your brain and programming your mind succinctly answers the question what is the role of a mindset coach.

Be sure to check the experience and results of the coach

It is helpful if the coach has personal experience and success in harnessing the mind to achieve success and overcome difficulties. Physical challenges are a great way to challenge ourselves and grow. Furthermore, to test the powers of the mind and build mental toughness. When I was competing in ultra-distance sport, I practiced techniques that back then were unusual. However, today they are common techniques used by athletes daily. And are all backed by science. Techniques such as mental rehearsal, visualisation, guided imagery, intentional thought and state management.

One of my most significant life experiences occurred after a strange health problem resulted in having to stop my sport completely. Despite going to some top health professionals, no-one could tell me what was wrong. This drove me to find answers elsewhere. I became fascinated and fixated with alternative personal development and healing modalities, many of which involved how our minds work and human behaviour. I discovered the power of our hidden patterns, how our limiting beliefs still influence our lives years later, and how our repeated habits of thought can negatively affect our health. The power of the unseen, and the force of our energy. One of my major lessons occurred when studying NLP, Neuro-Linguistic Programming and was the catalyst for establishing my practice Mindset for Success.

In conclusion, Mindset Coaches are skilled at working with individuals to bring out the best in themselves. Moreover, to help them rewire their brains, understand themselves deeper and to create better habits. Making it easy for positive changes and new results to occur.

One experiment shows London taxi drivers have larger hippocampi

A classic experiment (McGuire et al. 2000) researched London black taxi drivers. Before receiving a license to operate as a taxi driver in London, the candidate must undergo intensive training. The training can last up to several years. They have to gain a level of knowledge of the city and be able to navigate around this immense city daily. In this experiment, Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) was performed on a group of London taxi drivers and a group of non-taxi drivers. They studied the hippocampus, a part of the limbic system in the brain, which is involved in spatial memory and navigation.

The MRIs showed that the posterior hippocampi of the taxi drivers were much larger than those of the non-taxi drivers. They also showed that the degree of enlargement of this area of the brain was greater in those who had been driving taxis longer.

Other experiments show how mindfulness training increases the amount of grey matter in the brain in areas related to memory and learning. Furthermore, numerous experiments with visualisation show how focused mental rehearsal positively affects physical performance.

This is what I bring to the table to answer the question of what is the role of a Mindset Coach

First, I have always been curious and fascinated in people, success and failure. Why do some people achieve? Why do others fail more often? How come some people are happy despite owning few material goods while others have plenty of material possessions yet are unhappy? This curiosity took me on world travels where I met people from all cultures and nations. It gave me an adept ability to connect with people from all walks of life and a humble appreciation for the freedom I have in my life.
I spent many years in sales, and training teams to excel and managing internal teams. Furthermore, I had an innate love for sports and physical challenges. This led me to compete in many sporting events throughout my life, culminating in representing Australia in triathlon. I have also trekked the Himalayas, climbed Mt. Kenya, Mt. Kinabalu, cycled Snowdonia, the Southern Alps in France and volcanoes in Zaire.

We run hidden patterns and invisible programs

What I learnt from my most tough challenges was a depth of understanding about our mind. How we are much stronger than we believe we are. I discovered we all have hidden patterns and programs that aren’t always helpful. And importantly, how to release the power of these hidden programs and transform the energy into something better. How to direct the subconscious mind in the right direction. Simple ways to plan, structure and organise yourself in a day. How to be more productive and how to pick yourself when you fall down. Methods and secrets to create healthy habits that stick and empathy towards others. Especially those are feeling stuck. I too have been there.
My passion to learn and understand more about human behaviour led me to study NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming), Mbraining, become an Entrepreneur Institute Flow Consultant, several business certifications and more recently, neuroscience. On top of all of this is my commitment and focus on my client’s results.
Ultimately your happiness, wellbeing, and success are under your control. You are capable of continuous improvement and you are responsible for your results. However, you weren’t given a user’s manual for your mind, which today more than ever is the missing piece of success. And even the biggest sceptics can find answers to their questions backed by neuroscience and the continuing studies around the brain, behaviour and function. Which is why it makes sense to engage a Mindset Coach? All it takes is a desire to learn and change. And a willingness and openness for coaching.
So, when you are ready, I am here. Please reach out and let’s see if we are a good fit.

About Mandy

Mandy Napier is a Global High-Performance Mindset Coach who helps her clients breakthrough their current blocks. To step into their potential and achieve extraordinary results personally and professionally. Transformations are the norm and results guaranteed.


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