How to Create Superior Mindset Skills for Thriving in a New World

With the recent global disruptive changes since the pandemic hit, developing a superior mindset is vital. Building greater skills and resilience helps overcome the massive disruption we have faced in the last year. For business owners and employees, the old way of operating, and our once ‘normal’ routines, have changed forever. Moreover, as change involves feeling uncomfortable the best way to manage this is by tapping inside. Looking at our strengths and talents. How we deal with change and stress. How we feel and what we think about it.

Next, learning to manage our thoughts, self-talk, emotions and feelings is crucial. To achieve this requires skills found in a superior mindset. One that helps equip us with new skills for managing and thriving in the new world. Ultimately, when we develop our inner skills we grow resilience, confidence and become more adept to manage what is happening in the outer world. Furthermore, lead our businesses into a new future and ensure they thrive. Unlike governments, who have printed around 11 trillion dollars of extra money, business owners do not have the means to do this.

Necessity is the mother of invention

While disruption creates space for entrepreneurs who by nature love creating, not everyone has limitless innovative skills or a business which suits being digitalised overnight. While, according to Plato, necessity may well be the mother of invention, history most people prefer to stay in their comfort zone. This does not equal growth, adaptability, nor does it safeguard future success. Moreover, more than ever before, now is a critical time to develop additional mindset skills.

Many years ago, when I was competing in ultra-distance triathlons, I was supremely fit. Training daily, sometimes twice a day, was the norm. Running 10 kilometres after a long bike ride was a weekly event. Spending seven hours on my bike on a Sunday was part of my week, as was enjoying Monday as a rest day and having a well-earned massage. However, one day, all of this changed. Like the pandemic which shook millions of people’s normal routines upside down, my body decided enough was enough. In an instant I had to stop my sport. Coping with this catastrophic news left a vast hole in my life, and I was left wondering what to do. With a mindset focused on competing, a regime that consisted of daily training, physical exercise and comradeship, I was left on the sidelines, feeling deflated, in pain and frustrated.

Shifting expectations is part of upgrading to a superior mindset

Just like any change thrown upon us, a shift in thinking and expectations is required. Slowly, I adapted to my new normal, albeit was not easy. Exercise was now a simple walk, gentle swim or none at all. Even though my mind was still focusing on joining in training rides and competitions, there was no way my body could perform at that level. After internal battles, uncomfortable struggles and some minor despondence, I realised I had a choice. I could simply choose to change my thinking. To reframe the meaning of the event and embrace superior mindset skills. Better thoughts, new activities and a long term focus that saw me back in my sport. All of this made the journey easier.

The more I learned about myself, the more awareness around my habitual thoughts and feelings I saw. With deeper insights new possibilities appeared. The end result of this and ultimately, the greatest gift was how it eventually led me to setting up my business, Mindset for Success. Without embracing a superior mindset, I would have been stuck in the past. Resentful because I could no longer compete but with nothing else to replace it with. If I was a business I would be struggling or going broke.

Einsteins famous quote supports embracing a superior mindset

Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result.

In the year since the pandemic enveloped us, digitisation has created an imperative for companies to reconfigure their operations and an opportunity to transform them. According to McKinsey, “Greater productivity has been experienced and is expected.” (McKinsey, 2 Jan 2012.) Changing how and what we do is the way to obtain new results.

Here are seven key steps to create a superior mindset so you can adapt more easily to the new normal.

1.Know thyself.

Become curious and discover more about yourself and who you are as a person. Moreover, what you think, how you feel, and what drives your behaviours. Are you are a leader? Do people look up to your guidance and depend on you? As a business owner or entrepreneur it is imperative to build resilience and grit to stay strong in the midst of adversity and change. The clearer you are about what is important and what you stand for, the greater your personal power and confidence. Leaders must be rock solid, so they influence and impact those that require great leadership.

2. Embrace possibility as part of a superior mindset.

Focusing on solutions and viewing obstacles or problems as challenges on the way, rather than in the way, is key. We have a natural negativity bias in our brain and a somewhat addictive propensity to watch news. As most of the news is negative and focuses on disasters, you can see why there is a growth in mental health issues globally. Ensuring you focus on a cup that is full is I believe the new phrase to replace the common one referring to a glass half full or empty. Eyes wide open and a focus towards solutions and possibilities is key.

3. Be curious and ask better questions.

Curiosity is a key ingredient in developing a superior mindset. Asking thought-provoking questions that expand your thinking and steer the energy of your mind in a new direction is key. Instead of ruminating on what went wrong or why something happened, ask a question such as, “What else could this mean?” Or, dig deeper and ask, “What assumption do I have that causes me to think like this?” Clear the assumption or belief and you will open up new solutions and possibilities.

4. Have a clear long term vision.

Create a long term vision for yourself. One that keeps you focused on the long term. Too often we are drawn to instant gratification as delaying reward for the long term is something that requires training. We have an innate propensity to be motivated away from pain and towards pleasure. Achieving long terms goals requires the opposite. Keeping your vision at the front of your mind will future proof yourself from being sucked into other people’s agendas. Furthermore, you will build immunity from negative news and being drawn towards by bright shiny objects.

5. Being authentic is a key ingredient of a superior mindset.

While authenticity has become very popularised recently, with acts of greed and dishonesty evidenced at the highest levels of world leadership, people are craving leaders to be honest and authentic. Remember, change starts at the individual level. If you say you are authentic, make sure you really are.

  • Do you really do what you say you will?
  • How do you behave when no one is watching?

The greatest way to check your authenticity is to clear the cloudy lenses of old patterns that are still playing out in your life. Those hidden in the depths of your subconscious mind. Take some time to write down what you value and what being authentic really means to you. What behaviours are required? These are the times we can test ourselves the most.

6. Live with compassion for self and others.

Mindfulness has become something of a hip word in the corporate world, which is good news, because compassion is very much a heart based ingredient. Developing a champion mindset or superior mindset requires us to go deeper than our overthinking heads. Compassion for others and showing empathy occurs when you have a greater understanding of emotions. Both in the subtle feelings and the words used. As Lisa Feldman Barrett in her brilliant book ‘How Emotions are Made’ – The Secret Life of the Brain,’ says, “Emotions are your constructions of the world. Instances of emotion are no more out of control than thoughts or perceptions or beliefs or memories.” Developing emotional granularity, or more commonly named, emotional intelligence is the key for greater leadership and success.

7. Adopt an attitude of collaboration and abundance.

Even the toughest of athletes in the loneliest of sports like long distance running, know they can’t achieve the level of success they want on their own. Embracing a mindset of collaboration helps to focus on others. To champion others, ask for help and achieve greater results for everyone. Moreover, adopting the all important abundant mindset. A scarcity mindset is the old way of doing business. “What’s in it for me?” “Profits first.” People are sick of greed and corruption, and only by consciously embracing an abundant and collaborative mindset for success can this old paradigm be released.

So there you have it. Seven Mindset skills for building your own superior mindset for managing and thriving in challenging times. Check which ones you already have and which ones you could focus on more. Commit to cultivating a superior mindset. Know yourself, learn, be curious and open-minded and embrace innovative ways of doing things. Champion others along the way and most of all remember to be kind and compassionate to yourself. When you fully embrace these skills I believe they are the greatest antidote to fear, negativity and worry. Moreover, the keys to not just survive challenging times but to adapt and thrive.

About the Author

Mandy Napier is a Global High Performance Mindset Coach who is dedicated to supporting high achievers fulfil their potential and achieve extraordinary results professionally and personally. Transformations are the norm, and results guaranteed.


The post How to Create Superior Mindset Skills for Thriving in a New World appeared first on Mindset for Success.
