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How to Better Master Your Monday Mornings by Harnessing your Mental Mind

Do you suffer from what is commonly known as ‘Mondayitis?’ Although a relatively new word, Mondayitis is defined as: ‘a feeling of weariness, sadness, apathy and general distress that many individuals feel when starting the Monday morning week. ‘ If you ever feel like this, perhaps it’s time to find a better way to master your Monday mornings? While there are many proven ways, such as embracing specific behaviours until they become routines and habits, the ultimate key lies inside your head, While you may not believe you are in charge of your thousands of thoughts you have every day, you are. Working in the area of mastering your mental mind has the potential to transform Mondays, and indeed your life. Let’s explore this further. Master your Monday mornings or suffer Recently, a client told me how much she dreads Monday mornings. For her, Monday’s represents going to a job she hates, working with people she has nothing in common with. Furthermore, she feels there is a lack of sup

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